Op-art style: illusions reign in the interior. Do you want to feel like Alice from Wonderland, to find yourself in the looking glass? Feel free to choose op-art and do not complain when the abundance of optical illusions makes your head spin! This direction is not suitable for fans of standard solutions. Op-art is a style of eccentrics, originals, bright, extraordinary people.
Are the experiments continuing?
Many religious teachings say that the world is illusory, and all the objects around us look different. Scientists were skeptical about this, but in the XIX century it was first proved that the signals that enter the brain from visual receptors are distorted.
For science, the discovery was a new step in the fight against eye diseases, for art-a source of inspiration. Op-art is an abbreviated version of the English phrase “optical illusions”.
The eponymous direction in design appeared in the XX century in the depths of abstractionism, reached the level of independent style and continues to develop today. The founder of op art is called the French artist and sculptor Victor vasareli. Futurism, expressionism, cubism, surrealism did not suit him — in their canons, vasareli saw limitations for his imagination. To go to another level, he decided to create a new direction and work with optical illusions. Vasareli’s experiments were successful, brought fame to the artist, and found support from creative people. Op-art has given impetus to the development of even more bizarre trends, including gigantism — the hallmark of American art.
To radically change the interior space of the premises and make the brain perceive familiar objects differently, designers:
– apply black-and-white geometric patterns that give the impression that the walls, floor, and ceiling of the room are moving;
– experiment with simple geometric shapes, similar patterns and decorative elements;
– do not limit the color palette, use bright color spots and contrast solutions;
– preference is given to lamps, which can be used to change the brightness of lighting, and finishing materials with reflective surfaces (plastic, metal, glass).
At exhibitions of artists who create in the style of op-art, visitors often experience a state similar to intoxication, dizziness, fainting begins. This is quite normal, because the human body has protective mechanisms against unusual signals for the brain.
How to avoid health problems if you want to design your house, apartment, office in the style of op-art? Place several items made according to its canons in the room. Are you feeling normal? Then it makes sense to continue!
It has many faces and tends to minimalism
Op-art allows you to experiment with the space of different areas of the premises, visually reducing or increasing it.
Within the direction, there are their own subfields, based on their separation-tools that are most actively used by designers when working with space. If the bet is made on color solutions — it will be one type of op-art, on light — another. To create the most reliable illusions in the XXI century, professionals use:
– complex geometric shapes;
– three-dimensional images applied to the ceiling;
– graphic wall panels;
– Wallpaper with moire and concentric patterns;
– carpets of rich colors;
– furniture of unusual shapes and sizes;
– mirror false Windows.
The style has many faces, but it has its limitations. In such an interior, there is no room for floral patterns, small decorative items, or a large amount of furniture. Op-art tends to minimalism.
The fusion effect is welcome!
The direction where illusions rule the ball has become a challenge for traditional approaches to working with color and space. The fusion effect is considered unacceptable in many styles, and Vice versa in op-art: it is welcome. Walls can visually merge with the ceiling or smoothly move into it, furniture-dissolve against the background of the floor. Transparent tables, chairs, shelves, table lamps and mirrors in glass frames only enhance the feeling of a different reality, help to look at familiar things differently.
To design a room in the op-art style, you do not need expensive finishing materials and exclusive decor items, the main thing is to be guided by a sense of proportion and find your starting point for changes.
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