english interior


English style in the interior.
Psychologists say that the style of the house-the key to the inner world of its owners, their characters, Hobbies, habits. Unsuccessful interior design can cause constant discomfort, so the choice of style should be treated carefully.

Fans of elegance, luxury and order in everything, who appreciate traditions, should stop at the interior in the English style.

English style interior

Unique feature.

English interior is a real “cocktail” of such incompatible at first glance concepts as conservatism, love of luxury and austerity. It absorbed the unique features of the Victorian and Georgian eras. It is dominated by straight lines, clearly distinguished geometric shapes, noticeable symmetry. Those who prefer a riot of colors in the house, the English style is not suitable, but the splendor and brightness it is not devoid.

English interior

English-style interior

interior in English style photo

interior photo in English style

English style photo design

English style room interior

English style interior photo

Materials and paints.

An English style cannot be created without using a tree. This material sets the tone for literally everything, starting from trim and ending with the furnishings. The most preferred dark valuable species, when creating the interior you can use mahogany, bog oak, walnut, beech and so on. Welcome the effect of “retro”, so you should choose artificially aged furniture. Be sure to buy a fireplace, will fit and electric models.

English style in kitchen photo

English style in kitchen

English kitchen style

English style kitchen

English style kitchen photo

English style kitchen interior

English style kitchen design

The color palette should be restrained, it is desirable to focus on dark tones. In style harmoniously fit different shades of Burgundy, brown, blue, appropriate and olive color.

English style bedroom interior

English style bedroom design

English style bedroom photo

English style bedroom

Furniture and lighting.

Furniture in the English style is easy to recognize by the combination of reliability, strength and sophistication, it is comfortable and elegant, completely excluded pretentiousness. The living room should be furnished with deep armchairs, endowed with high backs, sofas with bent legs. The best decoration for furniture is intricate carving.

English style bathroom photo

English style bathroom

English style bathroom photo

English bathroom style

Choosing light sources, it is worth stopping at good-quality Desk lamps, located on heavy legs. It is also necessary to use candlesticks that create the appropriate atmosphere for the style. An important detail is the crystal chandelier.

English photo style

interior of the house in English style photo

interior Cabinet in English style photo

English style apartment

photo English style furniture

interior design in English style photo

English style interior design

English interior photo

English style in interior design

English style living room interior

English interior photo

English interior style

English-style interior

English style house interior

apartment in English style photo

English style house


English interior will not look complete if the walls are not decorated with portraits of family members, it fits perfectly paintings decorated with square or rounded frames. Of the dishes should give preference to the most elegant and elegant products, it is, of course, porcelain and silver. Ideal curtains will be heavy curtains made of expensive materials, decorated with pelmets.

English style sofa

This is how the English interior looks, restrained and at the same time providing space for experiments.

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