Oriental style
The interior in the Eastern style can not be enclosed in a strict framework. Historical, cultural and national features of Asian and sometimes even North African countries are very intertwined here.
Little history
As you can easily guess from the name of the style, it came to us from the East and is a mix of national traditions, customs and cultural values of countries such as Japan, India, China and Egypt. Eastern peoples are quite secretive by nature, which is probably why for Europeans, design and architecture in the Eastern style remained mysterious and charming. Only in the XVIII century all sorts of elements of this style began to be borrowed in interiors around the world.
Features of the Eastern interior
Despite the fact that depending on the country located in the East, the interior design can vary significantly, the interior in the Eastern style can still be characterized by several main features.
First, the preference in the interior is given to natural materials. Often it is wood, stone, metal. In the Japanese style, bamboo is also often used, both for finishing works, and as a material for making furniture and decorative items.
Secondly, the interior in the Eastern style involves a large open space, in which lighting is preferred to natural light sources.
Third, the Eastern style has a rich color palette. Often complex multicolored patterns and ornaments are used in the interior design.
East is a delicate matter
Today the Eastern style is divided into two main directions:
– Arabic style;
– Asian style.
These directions can be called radically opposite, however, they have one thing in common-the harmony and consistency of every detail in the interior. At the same time, the Japanese style is the embodiment of restraint and refinement, while the Arabic style is an abundance of details, rich colors and vaulted ceilings.
As a floor covering use a variety of materials. This can be wide and wooden boards, and small mosaic of rare stone, and tiles with floral ornaments or images of animals. In the Japanese style, the most popular material for finishing is considered bamboo. It is used not only for covering the floor, but also as Wallpaper and individual decorative elements for walls and ceiling.
Walls are often decorated with stone slabs. The most common materials are marble and limestone. The main requirement for them is the absence of roughness and irregularities. The surface of the walls should be perfectly smooth.
Ceilings are often the most neutral part of the interior. Often they are simply painted in warm sand tones, concentrating the main attention on lighting devices.
Oriental furniture
Oriental style can be described in just two words-comfortable perfection. Furniture in the interior must fully comply with this concept. Low tables on carved legs and sofas with many pillows are an integral element of the Arab direction of the Eastern style. In the Asian style, more preference is given to simple and concise pieces of furniture, which do not have unnecessary details.
Special attention is paid to details in the Eastern interior. Wooden screens, fountains with flowing water and fresh flowers emphasize the tranquility and a certain mystery of the interior. Special attention in this case is also paid to Eastern weapons. It is hung on the walls instead of paintings, and sometimes it is the focus of the entire interior.
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