
Boho style

Boho style appeared in France at the end of the XIX century thanks to the creative youth of the time. Students and artists who inhabited one of the quarters of Paris, created their creative space, which is not subject to any law of style.

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So the main feature of boho was freedom of expression.

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boho in interior

boho in interior

boho in interior

The history of the style

Boho style originated in France in the late XIX century. At that time, in one of the quarters of Paris called Montmartre lived people whose wealth was not very great. They were mostly factory workers, employees of small offices, and petty bourgeois. Over time, due to the availability of housing in the quarter, it began to rent students and young artists. So gray and boring Montmartre turned into the abode of creativity and carelessness. The inhabitants called the new neighbors ” Boheme “(derived from the name of the Gypsies who roamed France), and the style inherent in their lives, reduced to “boho”.

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boho in interior

boho in interior

So different boho

Speaking about the boho style, it is impossible to distinguish any strict framework and canons in which it could be inscribed. First of all, it is a creative style in which the main thing is to create an inspiring and at the same time relaxing atmosphere. Today, the diverse style of boho is divided into several main or, in other words, the most popular areas. Such can be called:

– Luxurious (chic) boho;
– Glamorous boho;
– Eco-friendly boho;
– Classic boho;
– Boho hippie.

boho in interior

boho in interior

boho in interior

boho in interior
Colors in the interior

The interior in boho style is a variety of saturated colors. The color scheme is not limited to two or three colors, the interior can combine many colors-in ornaments and patterns. The main thing that all shades were as close to natural. For example, blue-the color of the sky or sea waves, yellow-like a lemon or dandelion, pink-the color of ripe raspberries.

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boho in interior

boho in interior

boho in interior

boho in interior

boho in interior

boho in interior


The basis of the boho style is freedom of expression. It manifests itself in everything from floor to ceiling. Finishing materials in the interior can be used a variety: Wallpaper, paint, moldings, wood panels. As a floor covering can be selected as a classic version of the parquet and modern self-leveling surface. The main and only rule that should be followed when choosing finishing materials is their harmonious combination with each other.

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boho in interior

boho in interior

boho in interior

boho in interior

boho in interior

Furniture in the style boho

The main task of furniture in boho style is to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere. Therefore, preference is primarily given to soft sofas, Ottomans, armchairs and couches. However, freedom of choice of furniture is not limited to a clear framework. The interior will also look appropriate and carved wooden chairs, and massive pedestals, and sophisticated glass coffee and coffee tables.

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boho in interior

boho in interior

boho in interior

boho in interior


The motto of the boho style is “Express Yourself”. That is why it has a place for a variety of decorative elements. It will perfectly combine unique designer interior items and Souvenirs brought from different countries. Harmoniously in the interior will also look like retro posters and paintings in the style of “casual”.

boho in interior



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