bauhaus interior

Bauhaus style

Bauhaus-interior for practical, economical, punctual. Laconic style is alien to the desire for luxury. Bauhaus absorbed the features of the German mentality. Practicality, ergonomics, aesthetics make it popular, versatile. The style is actively used for the arrangement of multifunctional premises.

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Nothing extra!

This is the main motto of the Bauhaus. Literally in German this word means: “building house” or “building house”. The name of the direction is written: “Bauhaus” and “Bauhaus”. Style consider relatively young. It was born at the beginning of the last century in the experimental school of applied art of the same name. Many do not even suspect that the surrounding household items, popular interior accessories are made in this style. Its founder, the eminent German architect Walter Gropius, once challenged bourgeois tastes and impractical design decisions. Gropius was a pragmatist and a dreamer at the same time. His ideas to combine the achievements of art and the industrial way of production have outlived their time. The founder of the Bauhaus argued: comfortable aesthetic objects should be available to all people. He urged to create functional things, to refuse pretentiousness, intricate forms, to apply for arrangement of rooms only modern materials.

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Why does art need standards?

Bauhaus style is a kind of balance between high fashion and everyday needs of people. In the interior of the apartment, house, non-residential premises, equipped according to the canons of the Bauhaus, the spirit of German pedantry reigns. Every thing strictly takes its place. No exquisite shapes, unexpected colors. Everything is subject to logic and calculation. The most popular form in the Bauhaus is the square. Style:

– uses symmetrical and asymmetrical lines, circles, rectangles;
– prohibits non-functional spending of resources;
– tends to the standard solutions;
– uses white, black, beige, gray as the main palette.
Zoning of space is one of the popular techniques of the Bauhaus. As design tools use spacious furniture, contrasting lines, color spots. Bauhaus has common features with minimalism and late modernism. Monochrome color solutions are another feature of the German style. Bauhaus does not prohibit the use of blue, green, red, yellow colors for the placement of designer accents.

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

How to recognize it?

Look around you! There is almost a 100% chance that you will see things created according to the canons of the Bauhaus. The main attributes of the style:

– chair without handles;
– sofa transformer;
– fitted wardrobe;
– collapsible tables, stools, chairs;
– pieces of furniture with a metal frame;
– multi-level ceiling with built-in lighting;
– geometric ornaments on various surfaces;
– avant-garde paintings.

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior
Objects in the Bauhaus style are made of glass, metal. The direction does not forbid to combine different materials (wood, leather, textiles, stone). An important condition: everything should work for the arrangement of functional space and maximum convenience of people. Kitchen, workplace — the most important areas in the house! They require maximum attention.

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Bauhaus in interior

Reliable, useful, affordable

To equip the room in this style is a feasible task for a novice designer. In chain stores there is everything to solve it. The preferred coating for the walls and ceiling is light plaster, for the floor — linoleum in neutral shades. Floral bright print, small decor items are out of place. Bauhaus aims to play contrasting tones, but it requires a rational approach to all color and lighting solutions. The pride of any fan of style-expensive appliances. It has a functional role and acts as the main design accent. In the Bauhaus actively use lighting strict geometric shapes, with whose help zoned space. In the house, apartment and office, equipped according to the rules of style, will never be crowded. The Bauhaus forbids overloading the space with furniture. In style, convenience, reliability, focus on the real needs of people rule the ball. It is a kind of symbol of German practicality.

Bauhaus in interior



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