

Patchwork: American or English rustic interior? What happens if you combine the traditions of the Old and New World? There will be a democratic and at the same time refined style-patchwork. He gives his fans the comfort of home, the feeling of a carefree childhood, when the world seemed simpler and all the colors-brighter.

patchwork in the interior

Fashion – lady unpredictable!

What will it present on its next turn? At the end of the XVI-XVII centuries, the Spanish style prevailed in Europe. Clothing and interior items were magnificent. In the decoration of palaces and rich houses, multi-layered luxury fabrics, precious stones, and gold embroidery were actively used. The discovery of America brought not only a new alignment of political forces and the struggle for the colonies. The new World has become a source of great hopes and disappointments. The first settlers from Europe firmly believed that they would find the “promised land” where they would live without worries and worries. The new homeland presented them with Indian wars, wildlife, and the daily struggle for survival. The tenacity of the first English settlers can only be envied. These amazing people were able to find their place in the new conditions and preserve the traditions of European culture. In the eighteenth century, the style of rural England found a new breath and American citizenship.

patchwork style in the interior

interior patchwork photo

interior patchwork style

Patchwork walks the world

It is natural that the name of the style was given by the English language. It consists of two parts. The first means “a scrap, a small piece of fabric”, the second – “work”. Americans and Englishmen can endlessly argue about the historical homeland of the design direction, and the style continues to surprise its fans with new design finds. In each country, patchwork incorporates the features of local craft traditions, so in the Russian Northern village and on the hot sea coast of Italy, patchwork is perceived as something native. Moreover, within the style, sub-styles appeared over time. They claim to be independent trends in modern design. A striking example of this is art Deco patchwork, whose desire for elegance knows no bounds.

patchwork photo design

Practicality is the most important thing!

The first settlers in the New World saved on every detail. The clothes were endlessly changed. A single piece of fabric was a real luxury, but Housewives did not get stumped. They made clothes, bed linen, and interior accessories from small scraps, creating a sense of celebration in poor emigrant homes. Patchwork and today does not differ in complex forms of furniture. It puts practicality at the forefront. All the color accents in the interior are arranged with the help of accessories, made in patchwork technique. Even modern floor, wall and ceiling cladding keeps a reference point for patchwork. There are no strict rules on what colors can be used in patchwork. This gives space to the imagination. The main thing is not to overdo it with color accents.

patchwork style in interior photo

patchwork in interior photo

patchwork photo style

patchwork style

interior patchwork style

Old things — new life!

Patchwork is non-conflicting. It goes well with other styles, so it is not difficult to design a house, apartment or one room according to the canons of patchwork. A nice point: innovations will not require significant expenses. The first violin will be played in the updated interior:

– old furniture;
– the curtains in country style;
– patchwork rugs, blankets, plaids, bedspreads;
– woven tablecloths, napkins, potholders;
– bright colored vases;
– practical tableware made of natural materials;
– torcheres.
Do not rush to throw away old things! They will find a new life in the patchwork interior. Vintage interior accessories will create a cozy atmosphere and bring a touch of peace to it, which is not present in dynamic technostyles.

patchwork interior

patchwork interior photo

photo patchwork in the interior

photo patchwork style in the interior

living room interior patchwork

patchwork interior design

patchwork interior

patchwork interior photo

patchwork interior design style

patchwork design style

interior photo patchwork

patchwork interior design

interior design patchwork

patchwork design

interior patchwork style

Small tricks of big America

In the decoration of houses, apartments, rooms in the patchwork style look appropriate:

– children’s drawings with sun and flowers;
– embroidered paintings;
– rag doll;
– hot water bottles for dummies;
– accessories embroidered with large colored beads, plastic and wooden buttons.

patchwork furniture

The advantage of the style is given to natural materials. Plastic is also allowed, if things do not differ in appearance from those created from ceramics or wood. To make colorful items “play” in the interior and look harmonious, place them against the background of finishing materials, furniture of low-key natural shades — and the success of the updated decoration of the house is ensured.

patchwork apartment


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