art deco interior

Art Deco

“Art Deco” or as it was called in America “Jazz Modern”. The name of the style “Art Deco” literally means “decorative art”in French. Despite the uncomplicated name, it hides the luxury and sophistication, sophistication and perfection of each linnia.

Art Deco has become not just an interior style, it is a lifestyle.

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior


There is a version that art Deco, directly as a stylistic direction, existed in 1908-1912, but officially for the first time this term was introduced into circulation only in 1925 at the international exhibition Exposition Internationale, held in Paris. It was after the exhibition of fine arts and crafts in the encyclopedia “New works of decorative art” describes the luxurious and refined art Deco style.

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

The peak of popularity of the art Deco style falls on the period 1925-1935. It is a style of deliberate luxury, which is traced by refined elements throughout the interior. It was designed for people who belong to the so-called “middle class” and can afford to enjoy life here and now. Art Deco was especially popular in America, whose economy at that time was at a height. For Europe, which was just recovering from the effects of the first world war, art Deco brought an atmosphere of lightness and carelessness.

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

Despite the fact that soon the economic and political situation in the world changed dramatically, art Deco continued to optimistically resist all adversity. His popularity was not diminished by the great depression in America or the financial crisis in Europe. The final chord in the development of the style of luxury and solidity was only the entry of the United States into world war II.

Today, art Deco is experiencing a rebirth, not only gaining its former popularity, but also gaining new features and adapting to the modern world.

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

About style

Art Deco is characterized by smooth lines and streamlined shapes, multistage and trapezoidal, contouring and framing. It can be called a symbiosis of several styles. It harmoniously combines classicism, Neoclassicism, art Nouveau, as well as elements borrowed from African and Egyptian cultures.

art Deco interior

art Deco interior


As the materials that are the basis of the art Deco style is often used:

– Metal;
– Tree;
– Glass;
– Ceramic tiles with glossy surface;
– Stone.

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

The color scheme in art Deco is quite restrained. As a basis, pastel colors are used: beige, gray, soft shades of brown. You can use other neutral colors, for example, black or white. To create certain decorative elements or highlight functional areas, natural muted shades are used: blue, green, pink. Gold, red or Burgundy colors can be used as a bright accent.

art Deco interior

art Deco interior


Art Deco is a rather demanding style. To create an atmosphere of luxury and prosperity can not do without expensive wooden furniture. It should have smooth lines and be sure to be equipped with hardware made of metal or ivory. For the manufacture of furniture is often used light wood, which will be most harmoniously combined with the shade of the walls in the room.

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior

art Deco interior


The main thing in the art Deco style is to create a comfortable atmosphere in the room, while maintaining a sense of luxury and high cost of every detail. Metal candlesticks, lamps and vases are used as decoration. However, to a greater extent, the decorative function is assigned to the furniture.

art Deco interior



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