Garden improvement
Nowadays, the garden should be extremely informative and dynamic. Every day, from morning to evening, the garden should change.
Such a garden, in which events change like frames in a film, corresponds to the psychology of perception of a modern person.
It is possible to achieve such a result only by using a significant variety of plants.
The larger the range of sizes and shapes, the wider the range of colors of garden flora, the more likely it is to observe an hourly renewal of the garden.
Now the attention to decorative gardening and landscape design has reached an extreme level. After all, the breeding achievements of the whole world have become available, all the stocks of accumulated information have been put into circulation, and communication on the Internet is carried out without hindrance.
But despite the huge offer of ornamental plants and design projects, the search for new forms of flora and the aesthetic research of designers only intensified.
Truly, there is no limit to perfection.
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