felt stones

Felt stones

Felt stones are a new trend.
Do you like to collect stones when you travel? As a souvenir or as a decoration for your home. For those who love stones, there is a decorative alternative that is currently very fashionable and has an unusual charm: felt stones.

Deceptively real.

 felt stones in the interior
Felt stones look deceptively real, and they are like real stones, of different sizes. As the name suggests, they are made of felt, that is, felt wool. If you are skilled in the craft, you can make felt stones yourself with instructions, you can also buy them in various online stores and decorate them as unusual elements in your home.

felt pillows

felt stones

stone pillows
A universal trend.
Light and at the same time deceptively looking stones are perfectly suitable as unusual gifts, decorative items, door stoppers or fancy pillows.
It is only necessary to choose the right size.

 how to make a felt pillow

how to make a felt stone

felt mats

felt in the interior

The pillow is made of felt.
Felt stones: great options.
Oversized beach pillows made of granite, marble or travertine seem surprisingly real. The production of felt stones is a complex manual work and therefore they are all unique. As in nature, no stone is like another!
Stone pillows, not intrusive, are a creative, modern and at the same time practical accessory for your living space. Like rocks in nature, each pillow is unique.

felt pillows

pillows similar to stones

pillow like a stone

felt mat to make
It does not matter for what purposes, whether it is a decorative item of your home, commercial equipment or decorations, they will always attract attention.
The combination of different sizes and colors allows you to create beautiful and unique living objects.
Mats made of felt stone.

felt stone carpet

felt stone mat

felt pads

felt pads in the interior

dog litter

Mats made of felt stone are the optimal combination of the beauty of nature and home comfort.

pet mats

cat mats

soft felt pillows
Give the interior of the room an additional texture. The handmade mat consists of dozens of felt stones of different sizes, each of which contains a soft foam core, which makes them ideal for creating additional comfort.

large felt stones

light felt stones

felt mats and stones

They resemble stones smoothed by water on the edge of a river or stream, but they feel luxuriously soft under your feet.

felt stones
The wool covering for each stone is rolled by hand and is available in various colors, each stone is unique in size and color scheme, as in nature, which makes each carpet unique.

photo felt stones

photo felt stone mat

A big plus is the many ways to use such mats: as a visual center on a large wooden or tile floor or a bath mat, as a rug in the hallway or a favorite place for your pets.

felt stones in the interior photo

Their natural appearance makes them both timeless and versatile – it is difficult to imagine an environment in which they will not fit seamlessly.


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