
Eco style

Harmony with nature in eco style. Eco style (from the Greek word eikos, which means house) is an interior style, the main philosophical line of which is the unity of man with nature. When creating it, only natural materials are used, including live plants.

eco style in the interior

History of eco style

The birthplace of eco-style is considered to be Scandinavia. It was Scandinavian designers and Japanese traditionalists who used mostly natural materials in the interior that became the originators of the style.

eco style in the interior

Today it is difficult to say when the first mention of eco-style appeared. Such decorative elements as trees sprouting through the room or walls covered with ivy and grapes, the architects used for a long time. However, eco-style gained special popularity only at the end of the twentieth century during the period of active industrialization. To explain this trend is quite simple – when nature begins to recede, replaced by industrial objects, people tend to surround themselves with natural materials in the home interior.

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior


Eco-style denies the use of artificial materials, so the interior is dominated by items made of wood, glass, stone, natural fabric. Special attention is paid to plants. They can be both part of the decor and form the basis of an architectural idea. A striking example is trees that are literally built around houses or climbing plants that are used for the exterior decoration of a building.

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

Color palette

Nature, of course, is not deprived of bright colors, however, designers who create interiors in eco-style mostly adhere to pastel colors. Basically, the interior is dominated by colors such as green, white, beige, gray, muted yellow and brown.

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

Finishing in an eco interior

Since the materials that are used in the design are exclusively of natural origin, it is easy to assume that the basis of the interior is the wood finish. At the same time, wood is used in everything: floor, wall panels and ceiling coverings.


In addition to wood, paint or natural paper Wallpaper can be used for wall decoration. In recent years, cork and bamboo wall coverings have been gaining popularity. It happens that as a material for finishing choose fabric, and sometimes even use climbing plants.

Ceiling and floor

There are not many options for finishing materials for the ceiling and floor. Often, wood is used for the ceiling, but the floor can be parquet or stone.

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior


The eco-style interior implies the unity of man with nature, therefore, a large number of furniture is unacceptable for him. In addition, eco-style is quite firmly intertwined with modern and minimalism. All pieces of furniture have simple shapes, while maintaining the most “light” appearance. Sofas and armchairs are made of fabric, tables are mostly made of glass, and chairs, Ottomans and stools are made of natural wood.

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

eco-friendly style

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

Eco-style decor

No living organism on our planet can do without water. That is why special attention is paid to it in the interior. Fountains, waterfalls and aquariums are an integral part of the eco-style interior. In addition to water, eco style implies the presence of living plants. At the same time, designers often prefer tall trees or palms in large vases.

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior

eco style in the interior


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